Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

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Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 02 Юни 2013, 23:03

Hello, everyone! I thought I'd share these pictures of Maisto's 2014 Corvette. I won't say much except it's a good model for the cost. I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story! :)





Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот Ивайло » 03 Юни 2013, 08:40

Thank you for sharing these photos! :shake: The Corvette looks very good.

Maisto also made the latest Dodge Viper SRT GTS, but I'm still waiting if another manufacturer will release it as well. Or maybe Maisto have an exclusive license for the new American cars in 1:18?
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Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот azata » 03 Юни 2013, 09:20

Very nice and good model :clap:
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Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот equinox » 03 Юни 2013, 21:25

Nice model. Real hinges, well done seats, good lights. The engine needs a little more details. Ideal for those who like to detailing their models. Thank you Joe for the nice pictures.
Мнения: 79
Регистриран на: 09 Яну 2008, 22:15
Местоположение: София
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Колекционирам: 1/18 и 1/43

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 03 Юни 2013, 21:31

Ивайло написа:Thank you for sharing these photos! :shake: The Corvette looks very good.

Maisto also made the latest Dodge Viper SRT GTS, but I'm still waiting if another manufacturer will release it as well. Or maybe Maisto have an exclusive license for the new American cars in 1:18?

Hello -

You're very welcome. it's my pleasure.

There's a very good chance that another manufacturer will do this car, at a higher level of detail, and (of course) at a higher price. Licenses are usually given to model makers according to price point, in addition to scale, so if another manufacturer comes along and does this model in the $50.00-$100.00 USD (or more) category, it's fair game.

I've heard a lot of good things about that Viper, too! :rocknroll:
Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 03 Юни 2013, 21:32

azata написа:Very nice and good model :clap:


It's really not bad, for the asking price. Any home detailer can have a great time making a few improvements. I spotted a few things I'll be doing when the time comes, myself!
Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 03 Юни 2013, 21:42

equinox написа:Nice model. Real hinges, well done seats, good lights. The engine needs a little more details. Ideal for those who like to detailing their models. Thank you Joe for the nice pictures.

You're very welcome. I can't wait to break out the old paint box and brushes to add a few details to this one. Maisto also sent along a black sample, and that one will be easier to detail in the doors and under the hood.
Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот equinox » 03 Юни 2013, 21:57

Maisto are very good for home detailing. I'm working now on Citroen 15cv. The diecast is not bad and proportional and with some corrections it can be very good looking model. One Maisto model is possible to become hi end model but needs a lot of work in the interior and engine.
Мнения: 79
Регистриран на: 09 Яну 2008, 22:15
Местоположение: София
Име: Емил
Колекционирам: 1/18 и 1/43

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот equinox » 03 Юни 2013, 22:04

Maybe will be nice to see this model in the next show. I'm Corvette fan and will like to see it there.
Мнения: 79
Регистриран на: 09 Яну 2008, 22:15
Местоположение: София
Име: Емил
Колекционирам: 1/18 и 1/43

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот BaFTa » 05 Юни 2013, 00:08

Wow, it's amazing! Looks like a Ferrari in the front but still the lines are similar to the previous Vettes.
I like the LED lights but looks like they've stolen the interior from Audi - the central console is the same...
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Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 05 Юни 2013, 01:28

equinox написа:Maybe will be nice to see this model in the next show. I'm Corvette fan and will like to see it there.

I think we can do that ;) . See you there!
Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот JoeKellyJr » 05 Юни 2013, 01:30

BaFTa написа:Wow, it's amazing! Looks like a Ferrari in the front but still the lines are similar to the previous Vettes.
I like the LED lights but looks like they've stolen the interior from Audi - the central console is the same...

It's a great looking car (the real one) in person. The model is good, but like equinox says, it can be made a lot better with some modifications. We'll see!
Мнения: 18
Регистриран на: 10 Май 2013, 20:26

Re: Maisto 1:18 2014 Corvette PICS

Мнениеот wellycars » 13 Сеп 2013, 22:00

Great car ! :clap:
Мнения: 10
Регистриран на: 13 Сеп 2013, 17:06

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